When Fences Aren't Enough: Protecting Yourself And Your Dogs

Taking Action When Your Workers’ Compensation Claim Is Denied

Many workers take it for granted that their employer's worker's compensation insurance carrier will cover them for an on-the-job injury. In most cases, those workers are correct and the insurance performs as expected. For approved claims, hurt workers can expect to have their medical needs taken care of and to earn a partial salary while they remain at home and get better. Unfortunately, workers' compensation claims do not always get approved. Read More 

How To Handle A Wrongful Termination Claim

Each year, about a quarter of a million people get wrongfully terminated. When this happens, you will need to get representation that will allow you to get the money you deserve for damages that you incurred. This is a matter that you have to fight aggressively so you can bounce back from it and get your income on track.  Follow these tips so that you can make the situation right with the help of a wrongful termination lawyer. Read More 

How To Improve The Lives Of Youths In The Juvenile Court System

When it comes to the juvenile court system, there is no lack of youths in need of help and guidance. As of 2016, there were approximately 850,500 juveniles involved in the justice system. On the bright side, the number of youths in the justice system seemed to decrease over the last 10 years. However, that does not change the fact that juvenile court public affair volunteers often have their work cut out for them. Read More 

Can Your Home Be Saved? Foreclosure And Bankruptcy

When financial problems occur, they can affect every area of your life. For many consumers, their mortgage payment is the highest bill in the budget and it can be very easy to get behind. If you are struggling to make ends meet, you may be considering a bankruptcy. In some cases, a chapter 7 bankruptcy could help you save your home. The potential for a positive outcome depends on how much equity you have in your home, the amount of the homestead exemption, and whether or not you are behind on your mortgage payments. Read More 

Three Reasons To Discourage Friendly Horseplay Among Your Employees

As an employer, you're likely thrilled to know that most of your staff members get along well. Whether you see them bonding over lunch, lending a hand to help one another, or talk about making weekend plans, you'll appreciate that a workforce that gets along well often does a better job of achieving the company's goals than one that frequently has disagreements. One element that you may notice when your employees get along well with each other is a considerable amount of horseplay — jokingly wrestling, putting each other in headlocks, and body checking each other occasionally. Read More