When Fences Aren't Enough: Protecting Yourself And Your Dogs

Avoiding Probate: How Proper Estate Planning Can Streamline the Distribution of Assets

Probation is an important legal process that takes place following an individual's passing. However, probate can be a time-consuming and costly process, often causing unnecessary delays and potential disputes among family members. The good news is that with proper estate planning, you can avoid probate altogether and ensure a smooth and efficient transfer of your assets. Here's how avoiding probate through effective estate planning can help streamline the distribution of assets. Read More 

Dealing With A Loved One’s Nursing Home Abuse Situation

Nursing home abuse is a serious concern that can lead to physical, emotional, or financial harm to elderly residents. It's essential to be aware of the signs of nursing home abuse and take appropriate steps to address the situation and seek compensation if necessary.  Signs of Abuse to Watch For Physical signs: Unexplained injuries, bruises, cuts, or fractures, especially in multiple or recurring instances, may indicate physical abuse. Other signs include bedsores, malnutrition, dehydration, or sudden weight loss. Read More 

Have You Been Hurt At A Business? What To Know

Premises liability refers to the legal responsibility of property owners to ensure that their premises are reasonably safe for visitors or guests. When a person is injured on someone else's property due to a hazardous condition, they may be able to pursue a premises liability claim. Read below for an overview of premises liability and what victims can do to be compensated. Who Are You?  In premises liability cases, visitors are typically categorized into three types: invitees, licensees, and trespassers. Read More 

Hit By An 18-Wheeler? Know What Comes Next

Being hurt by an 18-wheeler truck can be a traumatic and life-changing experience. Due to the size and weight of these trucks, accidents involving 18-wheelers can be particularly devastating. Here are some potential consequences of being hurt by an 18-wheeler truck: Serious injuries: Accidents involving 18-wheeler trucks can result in serious injuries, such as traumatic brain injury, spinal cord injury, broken bones, and internal injuries. That is because most passenger vehicles, regardless of their safety features, are no match for a much-heavier 18-wheeler truck. Read More 

Drinking And Driving Is One Of The Leading Causes Of Pedestrian Accidents

In some areas of the United States, no matter what you do to keep yourself safe, you might be struck by a car if you're a pedestrian. Certain areas of the US have more pedestrian accidents because of a higher rate of drinking and driving. If you find yourself in this type of accident, you may be left with costly medical bills and be out of work. But a personal injury attorney can help you calculate the damages you have suffered and seek compensation for your injuries. Read More