When Fences Aren't Enough: Protecting Yourself And Your Dogs

The Two Methods Of Surrogacy And The Challenges That Come With Them

In general, there are two ways that surrogacy can work. Either the child comes of a traditional surrogacy method, or it comes from the gestational surrogacy method. The method that produces the child is of utmost important for both personal and legal reasons. The Traditional Surrogacy Method The traditional surrogacy method involves the surrogate supplying the egg and carrying the child. The methods of insemination can include IVF, artificial insemination, or intercourse. Read More 

Why You Should Get An Estate Plan For Illness Preparation

Have you thought about who will take care of your needs if you were incompetent? It is never too later to prepare for illness because it can happen when you least expect it. Find out in this article how you can prepare for your needs by getting an estate plan, as well as the estimated legal fees for a lawyer to draft one up. How is an Estate Plan Good for Illness Preparation? Read More 

Can You File A Wrongful Death Suit?

If you have had a loved one who has died through the negligence of others, you may have the option of filing a wrongful death suit. When you bring one of these suits you are seeking some compensation from the entity who is at fault for your loved one's death. The type of compensation that you would be seeking would include things like lost wages, any medical costs before death, funeral costs, and the loss of consortium. Read More 

You May Be Able To Qualify For Social Security Disability Based On Your Skin Condition

There are hundreds of different skin disorders and some of them can be quite disabling. If you have a skin disorder that is making it impossible for you to work, here's what you should know before you file an application for Social Security disability benefits. The type of skin disorder that you have makes a significant difference. Some skin disorders make it easier to qualify for SSA benefits than others. SSA keeps a listing of some skin impairments that are statistically likely to be more disabling than other skin disorders. Read More 

Bankruptcy Vs. Debt Consolidation

Due to economic hardships, many people are considering various methods of debt management including bankruptcy and debt consolidation. Both can be viable solutions if you are faced with overwhelming debt, but you should consult a bankruptcy lawyer to help assess your financial situation and determine which course of debt relief is best for you. Here is a comparison of bankruptcy and debt consolidation to help you determine which could best suit you. Read More