When Fences Aren't Enough: Protecting Yourself And Your Dogs

Why You Need To Hire A Lawyer When Applying For A Social Security Disability Claim

While most people do not want to think of losing their capacity to work, the reality is that anyone can develop a medical condition that will limit their ability to earn an income and, thereby, not be capable of supporting themselves. When this happens, the best way to seek financial assistance is by filing a disability. A mistake that some individuals make when applying for these benefits is assuming that approval is guaranteed, but this is far from true. Read More 

Why Law Firms Should Use Legal Placement Services

Running a successful law firm requires many things, but an integral ingredient is hiring talented attorneys to represent clients. Your firm can have a more structured and proven search process for hiring professionals when you work with a legal placement company. It will help you find talented attorneys using a couple of key strategies. Find Attorneys Focused on the Right Legal Specialty If your firm specializes in a particular area of law, such as real estate, then you want to look for attorneys that have a compatible specialty. Read More 

Should You Hire A Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Lawyer When Facing Foreclosure?

Once you decide to take out a mortgage so that you can buy your first home, the last thing you could ever imagine is that it could get foreclosed by the bank. However, this is an unfortunate reality for many homeowners. Unexpected misfortunes such as economic downturns, losing your primary source of income, or even exorbitant medical bills can cause you to miss several payments to the point that you are facing foreclosure. Read More 

Why Your Business Needs A Corporate Lawyer

Starting a business is a great investment decision. However, the process of establishing a company has several legal hurdles. While you may be an expert in business management, you may find it hard navigating through the legal procedures. Thus, it would help if you engaged the services of a corporate lawyer to protect you from legal liabilities. In this way, you can establish a business with a strong legal foundation for smooth operations. Read More 

What To Consider When Selecting Your Trustee

Are you currently in the process of working with a lawyer to create a trust for your estate, and you have reached the point where you need to select a trustee? If so, it helps to know what to look for when determining who to pick.  Can You Trust Them? The first thing you should be asking yourself is if this is a person that you can trust to essentially manage all of your assets. Read More