When Fences Aren't Enough: Protecting Yourself And Your Dogs

Five Steps To Getting Rid Of A Housing Judgement Before Applying To An Apartment

If you have moved from an apartment complex while you still owed the apartment management company money, you may find that the impact on your credit happens sooner or later. Often, it can take apartment complexes a while to sort out how much is owed and seek payment, but legally they can get a judgement for the amount owed if collection efforts fail. Once a judgement is put onto your credit, it will be difficult to be approved for credit products, especially apartment complexes. Read More 

Have You Been Charged With A Crime That Carries A Mandatory Minimum Sentence?

If you're charged with a federal or state crime that carries a mandatory minimum, make no mistake—you need a defense attorney's help as fast as possible. This is what you need to know about your possible sentence under mandatory minimum guidelines. The judge isn't allowed to offer leniency. In criminal cases that don't involve mandatory minimums, the judge in your case will allow defense attorneys to present evidence that can possibly mitigate, or reduce, the severity of your sentence. Read More 

3 Things To Do When A Dog Bites Your Child

It can be difficult to stay calm, cool, and collected when your child is injured. However, it is very important to do so to make sure your child gets the care that he or she needs. One scenario you should prepare for is a dog bite; dog bites happen suddenly and they can have devastating effects. 41 percent of fatal dog bite victims are children. Fortunately, the information below can help you take the proper steps to help your child and seek legal justice if this tragic incident occurs. Read More 

Recently Returning To The California Bar From Inactive Status? What Should You Know?

Whether you've been practicing law in another state for a few years or simply taking a break from being an active California lawyer for a while, you may be starting to investigate the steps you'll need to take to reinstate your law license and again become an active member of the California Bar. This process can be confusing at times, even for attorneys who have spent their entire careers practicing in this state. Read More 

Can A Prenuptial Agreement Be Invalidated?

A prenuptial agreement is typically seen as an ironclad legal document that can be difficult to challenge. In actuality, it is possible for a prenuptial to contain language that could lead to it being considered invalid by the court. If you are divorcing, knowing what can invalidate your prenuptial can be useful to you. Both Parties Used the Same Attorney Some couples rely on the same attorney to create the prenuptial agreement and witness its signing. Read More