When Fences Aren't Enough: Protecting Yourself And Your Dogs

3 Ways To Recover Personal Damages When You’re Hurt At Work

With FindLaw reporting that over 20 percent of Americans claim that they have suffered an on-the-job injury, it is important that workers know what they can do when they've been hurt at work. Here are three potential ways workers are able to recover financial damages, depending on their individual situation: 1. Through Workers' Compensation As a general rule, most employers are required by law to have workers' compensation. Workers' comp is in place to help cover the costs associated with injuries that occur on the job. Read More 

Is Your Marriage In Trouble? 4 Proactive Ways To Prepare Your Child For Divorce

While nearly every divorce is a painful process, it is especially difficult when the family includes children. Because the child may not understand the reasons their parents are separating, they are often bewildered and fearful about the future. If you and your spouse are considering a divorce and want to ensure that your child is able to avoid as much emotional pain as possible, the following information will help. Keep Attitudes Positive Read More 

Work In Product Development With Stock Options? How Can You Avoid Securities Fraud?

If you work in the product development branch of a publicly-traded company, you're first in line to know of any innovations that could drive up your company's stock price (or likely market flops that could cause revenues to plummet). This position of knowledge can be made even more complicated when part of your compensation involves an employee stock purchase plan (ESPP) or stock options. How can you prevent being investigated if you buy or sell before a huge change in stock value? Read More 

What Do You Do If Your Renter Is A Hoarder?

What do you do if your rental property is occupied by a hoarder? Compulsive hoarding is a type of emotional disorder that's often rooted in a deeply traumatic past. Hoarders pile up all sorts of belongings, many of them useless or even decaying, until there's simply no space left. As much as you may want to just evict both the hoarder and the mess, you have to handle the situation carefully. Here's what you should know. Read More 

What If The Other Driver Isn’t Cooperative?

Sometimes, after an accident, the other motorist will refuse to be cooperative. He or she may refuse to provide information, may simply drive off or may refuse to cooperate with his or her insurance provider. By quickly gathering evidence and working with an attorney and your insurance provider, you can increase the chances of being compensated for the accident. Protect Your Safety First After an accident, the other motorist may be very irate and might choose to be uncooperative. Read More