When Fences Aren't Enough: Protecting Yourself And Your Dogs

Things You Should Know Before Meeting Your Bankruptcy Attorney

Are debt collectors and creditors harassing you throughout, or you think you might be facing a foreclosure or legal action soon? All these are signs that you are in a financial crisis and need help to navigate the stress and uncertainties of such situations. One smart decision you can make is to file for bankruptcy with the help of a lawyer. Many people who have worked with bankruptcy attorneys have found reasonable solutions to their financial problems, and you can benefit too. Read More 

Estate Planning? 5 Things You Should Locate For Each Asset

Gathering all the documents and information needed for estate planning is a first step, but it can be a complicated one. What documentation should you look for and what information do you need to cull from it? Here's a guide to what to collect for each asset, both financial and physical. 1. Identifying Information First, look for anything written that identifies the asset. For most financial accounts, this is a simple account number. Read More 

Dangerous Drinks: Understanding Open Container Violations

Most people understand how important it is to prevent drunk driving. Being charged with driving under the influence (DUI) is not just a serious matter with long-term consequences, it also endangers innocent lives. That being said, some don't get why law enforcement bothers passengers who want to drink alcohol. They aren't driving impaired so why is riding impaired also against the law? Read on for a better understanding of what is known as open container laws in many states. Read More 

Situations Where Wrongful Death Might Be Applicable

Wrongful death is when someone's actions or lack of actions cause a party to pass on. It's an unfortunate situation, but one that needs to be handled with extreme care. Here are a couple of situations when wrongful death might be applicable and subsequently warrant legal action. Wrong Medical Diagnosis Despite the number of years of training that medical professionals go through to get into this field and be successful, mistakes happen all of the time. Read More 

Insurance Litigation Tips For Policy Holders

Sometimes a relationship with an insurer doesn't go according to plan. You may feel taken advantage of and decide litigation is the best course moving forward. If you're aware of these insurance litigation tips, you can find yourself dealing with a smoother process. Make Sure Litigation Is Appropriate  There are a lot of policyholders that get upset with their insurance providers every single day, but that doesn't mean they automatically have a case against them. Read More